Challenge your perceptions

Deepen your connections

A photo of Dr. Toni Warner

Hi, I'm Dr. Toni,

Mom of 5, wife, psychotherapist, success strategist, best selling author, speaker, educator and thought leader on the intersection of mental, spiritual and social health.

Welcome to my homepage where I’m happy to share a bit about me, my mission, my vision, my work, and how I help. If you already know you’re specifically interested in exploring clinical or high level mentorship services with me, I invite you to hop over to either of those websites: Authentically Me Psychotherapy or Bold and Balanced. Or, if you’re looking to personalize some of my work in a less direct manner, you can find my best selling book The Reset A High Achievers Guide to Freedom and Fulfillment on Amazon, or tune into life-enhancing videos I share by subscribing to my Youtube channel here.

As Featured In

What I Want For You...

I believe the purpose of life is to learn and grow as we meaningfully connect, contribute and create while allowing as much passion, joy, fun and love as possible. My mission is to facilitate more and more of this kind of experience for you, as you navigate the many facets of yourself and your life- at work, at home, in your communities and within the world.

A Personally Fueled Movement

I grew up the black and white daughter of divorced pastors and spent most of my childhood as the overweight tomboy, the new girl, the “not black enough but not really white” girl. By the time I was in middle school I’d already begun hating my body, struggling with cutting, bulimia and anxiety, questioning why I was here, stressing from over-achieving and people-pleasing, and tying my value to the amount I could do or prove to and for others. Despite my many accolades as a student in college and graduate school, I went on to be hospitalized, burnt out twice, and engaged in toxic relationships, all of which threatened my personal health in significant ways.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve spent the greater part of the last decade investing in helping myself to heal, to forgive, to learn and to grow from the inside out, which has led me to create a much happier, healthier life for myself. It’s these personal experiences that make this movement so passion and purpose filled for me. Challenging perspectives and deepening connections is about enhancing and healing relationships that ultimately change our lives, families, communities and systems. I know, because I’ve not just facilitated these kinds of experiences professionally, but I’ve lived it myself.

The Intersection of Science & Psychology, Soul and Socio-Political

Given the personal and professional background I’ve shared above, it makes sense why I care about the intersection of mental, spiritual and social health and the way in which they impact and interact with our relationships, our sense of success and satisfaction, and our world.

This is a multidimensional topic of immense importance to me. Delving into these areas is part of my life’s purpose. My experiences have taught me that I’m here to help expand the human perspective beyond the rigid, the traditional, the black and the white. I’m here to have those deeper conversations that challenge the conventional and move us past what seems obvious, so we can craft creative solutions that help our systems and ourselves to experience more meaningful, more positive and more effective outcomes.

Having built a successful business with clients that I love to work with, and a schedule that allows me to be present as a parent, partner and professional, I felt the pull to expand the ways I share my experience, gifts and passions with the world. It was this pull that led me to create this webpage and start holding more public conversations about important areas of life that affect us all but are often taboo or too challenging to talk about.

It’s my goal to lead by example and to teach how to embrace the “uncertainty” of life rather than live in fear of it or relentlessly fight to control it. The perspectives reflected here are my own, and are a product of my personal and professional experiences; where appropriate, I share about and incorporate relevant research as well.

Education & Training

A photo of Dr. Toni Warner graduating from Weidener University

My PHD is in human sexuality and my clinical career has focused on healing trauma and relationships. I’m part of an interfaith marriage, and have struggled with my own mental health and burn out in the past. I was a single mom at the age of 21, and walked across the graduate stage the next year with her on my hip. I continued on to further my education and career while being a single mom for several years before dating my now-husband and creating our blended family together.

Although I'm trained or certified in a variety of powerful methods, like Brainspotting, I don't subscribe to any one cookie-cutter method in any of my work. I'm eclectic in many ways, and infuse research and techniques that incorporate the brain, body and mind in my work (with myself, my kids and my clients).

To me, integrity is practicing what you teach, so I strive to live a life of balance each day. When I'm not diving deep into my work, you can find me silly dancing and singing with my kids, walking in nature or enjoying one of my delicious delights- homemade lattes, fresh baked bread or chocolate!

I am often creating novel ways to support my community of leaders, parents, public figures and busy professionals, so if there is a particular thing you're looking for support with that's not in my HUB, please let me know!

The Movement

The movement I stand for reflects my values of faith, integrity, compassion, forgiveness, growth, diversity and meaningful contribution. My desire is to bring forth a better understanding of what it means to be Core Connected© and to embrace being a multi-faceted person within an often disconnected yet multi-faceted world, by raising awareness about the intersection of: spiritual, socio-political and bio-psycho-sexual factors, so that we can navigate these areas of ourselves with more intention, more compassion, more ease, more healing, more coherence and more loving connection. The more we choose to do this as individuals, the more we can do it collectively and within our systems and societies, effectively reducing the division, hate, fear, ill health and disconnection that individuals, systems, our nation and our world, are negatively impacted by.

As a multi-faceted woman, mom and leader myself, this is a personally felt, passion-filled, purpose-fueled movement reflected professionally. At the very least, I aim to spark inspiration and insights through cutting edge conversations and thought leadership to support the driven, caring innovators, parents and professionals of today and tomorrow, in being Core Connected©, so they can experience deeper connections in their relationships, more purposefully contribute with their actions, and more joyfully live, lead, love and create in a world with systems that mean well and do well.

The book by Dr. Toni Warner, The Reset, A High Achiever’s Guide to Freedom and Fulfillment: Your Step-By-Step Roadmap for Getting Unstuck

Available now!

The Reset, A High Achiever’s Guide to Freedom and Fulfillment: Your Step-By-Step Roadmap for Getting Unstuck